Uncommon Handbound Books by Cindy Leaders

The Saddest Book

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A young friend of mine passed away in her sleep a couple of weeks ago. There was no warning, she had no known health problems and had not been ill. Her husband went to wake her one morning, and she was gone, leaving him and three young children to face a new world without her.

Everyone that experiences this kind of sudden, unexpected loss is faced with a stark reminder of his own mortality. There are no guarantees. Eternity awaits each of us. I don't fear death because I am reconciled to the One who waits there through the blood of His only Son, Jesus Christ. My friend is with Him now, and I'll see her again, and my sister, and my mother. But here on earth until then, I'm reminded to live in a way that will matter at the end, to leave an eternal legacy in the lives of the people around me. God, help me to remember.

I made this book with many tears to serve as a book of remembrance for guests to write in at her memorial. I hope the family will treasure the memories of friends who gathered to honor her.

While I was making this book, I received an email from a customer who had purchased a journal from my shop. She is going to use it as a guest book at her wedding for people to write their best wishes and advice. What a striking juxtaposition of the place that books can have in our lives.


Sótano October 1, 2009 at 11:53 PM  

Sentimos tanto la pérdida...por eso recordar ayuda.
Mantener en la memoria a los amigos es recordarlos para siempre. Y para siempre viven mientras los recordamos.

Nos ha encantado la idea de recordar, no sólo para las bodas y bautizos.
Tu libro es fantástico y el detalle de la tipografía maravillosa.

¿cómo consigues esa textura?.
Enhorabuena por tu blog y tu técnica.

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