Uncommon Handbound Books by Cindy Leaders

A Book Review and My Elephant

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

In February, Etsy broadcast a success symposium featuring speakers talking about various aspects of creative business. I particularly enjoyed April Bowles-Olin's "Achieving Your Creative Dreams." (You can still see that talk if you like here.) She spoke in part from a book called "Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard" by Chip and Dan Heath. I highly recommend this book! Though it has a somewhat "business-y" slant, I took away some great personal application that has really made a difference in how I approach my business and other areas of my life as well.

This very engaging book is a study of change, why it's hard, why we fear it and what might be done to make it easier in multiple contexts. A metaphor the authors use throughout has stuck with me. They suggest that in order to make successful change, we must have our Rider (our rational side) and our Elephant (our emotional and instinctive side) working together to make progress on the Path (the environment where the change will happen). If my Elephant isn't on board with my goals, my tiny little Rider won't be able to keep him on the Path. Which is why you will eat that cookie even if you're "on a diet" unless your motivation is very strong. There must be a strong "why" that motivates on a deep level. We have to engage our mind, will and emotions and tweak our environment to make positive change happen. Of course, there's so much more than that! Read the book.

Here's my Elephant as he was: Old Mossback George. Half asleep, rooted to the ground, not exactly nimble and lithe. Having worked with him for a few months now, he's getting much more lively and engaged in the business at hand. We've been able to set some ambitious goals and actually accomplished some of them! More on that soon . . .


Lizzie May 18, 2011 at 2:13 AM  

This is great! Thank you for sharing this book - I will see if I can find a copy, as I need to work out how to stay on my current "motivated kick" and keep working hard. I'm not actually sure what my "goal" is, exactly, which can't be a great start... Still, business is picking up and I'm working. I just want to make sure I am working in the right way, toward something that will make me happy and keep me motivated to do well.
Thanks for this and I think your Elephant is gorgeous!

Laure Ferlita May 24, 2011 at 5:43 PM  

I love the visual, Cindy! I think anyone struggling with change can relate to the idea of being rooted to the spot.

Unknown September 11, 2017 at 7:49 PM  

We've been able to set some ambitious goals and actually accomplished some of them! More on that soon . . .

pirates of the caribbean 5

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